Wednesday 14 August 2019


In these past couple of years its been quite a Journey. Every experience in my life has been a lesson and has changed me inwardly in a tremendous way. Most of my life I always wanted to be a person that can touch many lives even if its just one person. My favorite motto "Be there change the people wish to see". I love this quote.

If God puts a desire in your heart, the storms that comes our way, to make you what you meant be, is not easy. Sometimes we do not understand why these things happen, the question we ask is, WHY ME? WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS? WHATS WRONG WITH ME? DOES GOD REALLY LOVE ME ? DOES HE WANT ME TO STRUGGLE?

All that God wants is for us to become still and open our hearts to him. When we in the storm, sometimes our hearts are closed because of all the pain and hurt. But the BIG secret is, if we open our hearts and become still, all that Pain and hurt will diminish. your mind will become quite and you will experience being in the presence of God. You will experience Joy and happiness that you have never felt before in the midst of the storm. What an awesome feeling. No money can buy that. That is wealth, that is the blessing of God. I have personally experience this. When you become still, and open your heart, you trust God fully, you will see the doors opening in expectant ways like you never imagined.  Doors that are meant for you for that very moment. You will see things in a whole new way. Living a full surrendered life is not easy, but its surely worth. The Abundance of God is all around us. 

Always keep God first, dont allow the distractions (negative feelings) of life to detour you away from him. Dont loose sight of the Goal.. 

One of my favourite Hymn is - Take Jesus in your ship of life. He will surely guide you. 



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